The elements in the first three groups of the periodic table like alkali metals, noble metals, Aluminum, etc. are good conductors due to the presence of free electrons. Non-metals are bad conductors of electricity due to lack of free electrons. The elements in the fourth group of the periodic table like Si and Ge have greater resistance than good conductors but less than bad conductors. They are known as semiconductors. They behave as bad conductors at absolute zero temperature in their pure form.
The resistivity of the good conductors increases with temperature, while the resistivity of the semiconductors decreases on increasing the temperature unto a certain limit. The conductivity of the semiconductors is changed by making radiation of suitable frequency incident on them.
Two very important semiconductors Ge and Si are discussed here. Both have diamond crystal structure. If an atom of Si is considered at the center of the tetrahedron, then its four nearest neighbours are at the vertices's of a tetrahedron as shown in the figure. Diamond crystalline structure is obtained on extending this arrangement in a three dimensional space.
The electronic arrangement of Si is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2. The electrons in 1s2 2s2 2p6 completely occupy the K and L shells. 3s2 3p2 electrons are the valence electrons. These 2 s orbitals and 2 p orbitals combine to form 4 sp3 complex orbitals. These orbitals combine with similar such orbital’s of the neighbouring atoms and form covalent bonds. Thus, each of the four valence electrons of the silicon forms a covalent bond with its four neighbouring atoms as shown in the figure.
At absolute zero temperature, Si and Ge behave as insulators as the valence electrons are bound in covalent bonds. At room temperature, these bonds break due to thermal oscillations of atoms freeing the electrons which increase conductivity. Deficiency of electron in a bond produces a vacant space which is known as a hole. The hole has the ability of attracting electrons and the randomly moving free electron can get trapped in a hole. Thus hole behaves as a positive charge though it is neither a real particle nor has any positive charge.
The number density of free electrons ne and holes nh in a pure semiconductor are equal. Pure semiconductor is called intrinsic semiconductor. Hence electrons and holes are called intrinsic charge carriers and their number density is indicated by ni. ne = nh = ni.
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